

I haven't written in a while for a number of reasons. Mostly because I don't write here when my husband's around. My husband likes to remind me that he's not meant to be my therapist, and as such, he doesn't need to hear what I went through in all its grueling detail...

I'm trying to decide where to go next. Sometimes, something's screaming to get out, but right now, a few voices are competing for the top of my mind...

A few nights ago, I had this thought. When my baby was born, I realized that we needed to repaint the nursery because there were garish designs of cartoon characters on the walls. My husband painted three layers over the designs. I asked him the other night whether we could strip off the paint, and whether the cartoon characters would still be there. Of course, he said it was possible. So I think. If we strip off the woman I've become - the mother, the wife, the writer, the friend - I'm still what I was under that. I'm still a scared girl with her shoes missing. I'm still the person whose life spun so out of control that she can't even name all of her sexual partners, and isn't even sure she'd recognize all of them by face.

So how do you strip those layers away?
I don't want them anymore.

PS Aunt Flo showed up.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like our husbands have a lot in common. It's a shame because they are pushing away true emotional intimacy, which would only strengthen our marriages. Alas.

I am sorry to hear about Aunt Flo's visit. :0(

Re: What's underneath -- I used to think that healing was about reinventing myself, but it turned out to be about rediscovering myself. I believed that I was this dorky, nothing of a person before I started healing. However, when I went to my 20-year high school reunion, I finally faced that I was always the same amazingly strong survivor underneath the lies. While I was lying to myself about who I was, the truth of who I am -- and have always been -- shined through. Others saw this in me. I was the one who failed to see it in myself.

- Faith

Marj aka Thriver said...

I appreciate your courage and honesty shown in your writing. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the link!

Anonymous said...

How are you doing? I miss reading your blog.

- Faith